Everything You Know About SEO Is Wrong, Sage Lewis

April 28, 2016

By Janet Dodrill

In an energetic presentation titled “Everything You Know About SEO Is Wrong” by Sage Lewis, given at The Web Association on April 19, 2016 at COSE in Cleveland, we were introduced to Google’s new RankBrain algorithm and other recent changes.

Sage Lewis is author of bestseller “Link Building is Dead. Long Live Link Building” and president of Sagerock.com, a digital marketing agency in Akron, Ohio.

According to Sage, the current most important factors for the ranking of Google’s search engine results are Content, and Links (link pointing), and now Google’s RankBrain algorithm.

RankBrain is Google’s new artificial intelligence machine that helps it process information to rank in search results. Previously at Google, humans taught machines how to interpret search data, but this machine teaches itself! It gives us the results it thinks humans want! Can this be entirely accurate?

Ultimately, he stressed, that the best way to be found online by Google and draw people in was to show love and passion for your business by expressing it through compelling content, such as relevant text, pictures, video, and use of social media like Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook Live, and others, which could help you to create a unique story.

Another change by Google, we were informed, is the elimination of side ads. This is for mobile device responsiveness. According to Sage, mobile searches have surpassed desktop searches. All ads are now in the regular location which is at the top of the main search results (and the increased ad purchase price brings in more money for Google). This may make things more difficult for small businesses to promote their products or services.

It was mentioned that a good way to get a small business noticed online is to setup a local business at Google.com/business. Also, before optimizing your site for SEO check Google to see who the competition is. Maybe consider a different angle or emphasis on your goods in order to stand out in a less saturated arena.

Sage co-hosts a live web cast Thursday at 3:15 p.m. ET called “The Tools”  where many social media tools and ways to market your product or business are discussed. One recent tool he shared with us is the ability to now live stream on Facebook. This is a free way to draw in an audience and promote your business!

Sage Lewis of SageRock.com, digital marketing agency in Akron, Ohio.

Sage Lewis of SageRock.com, digital marketing agency in Akron, Ohio.

Resource Links:

SageRock, Inc.

The Tools

The Web Association

How do I share a live video on Facebook?
To start a live broadcast from your personal Timeline.

Get your business hours, phone number, and directions on Google Search and Maps — with Google My Business.

Sage Lewis engages the audience at The Web Association.

Sage Lewis engages the audience at The Web Association.

Sage Lewis discussed Google's RankBrain algorithm.

Sage Lewis discussed Google’s RankBrain algorithm.

Three most important things for Google search engine ranking.

Three most important things for Google search engine ranking.

COSE in Cleveland, Ohio.

COSE in Cleveland, Ohio.

iPhone’s iOS6 Panorama Camera Feature

April 12, 2013

By Janet Dodrill

Have you experienced the panoramic photography option on iPhone 5’s using iOS6 (or iPhone 4S)? It can take up to a full 240-degree photo.

With little or no experience, one can create digital panoramic still pictures. With the iPhone 5, hold the camera vertically and access the camera app, press the camera shutter button and gently move the camera on a level horizontal path until you have captured the desired composition and then press the camera button again. The image will save to your camera roll. (Hold the camera horizontally and move the camera up to create a ‘vertorama’!)

These are panoramic images I created recently using the iPhone 5:

Verizon Store Panoramic by Janet Dodrill

Verizon Store Panoramic by Janet Dodrill.






Chicago Panoramic by Janet Dodrill

Chicago Panoramic by Janet Dodrill.






Kovels Antiques, Inc. Panoramic by Janet Dodrill

Kovels Antiques, Inc. Panoramic by Janet Dodrill






How-To Video Resources:

Mastering panoramic photography in iOS 6 (CNET)

How to take panorama photos in iOS 6 on the iPhone 5 (CNET)